crochet is anti-stress and excellent gymnastics for the mind, according to science

Once it was necessary to crochet to make winter garments, now it is a pastime that, according to science, is good for the mind and body.

Those who habitually practice this activity for leisure know well how relaxing it is to sit in an armchair in the evening and dedicate at least an hour to creating your own creation. It is no coincidence that knitting and crochet is back in fashion, also becoming popular with young people who enjoy creating interesting DIY items. Let's find out, therefore, what are the greatest benefits that can be obtained.

Those, used to constantly living in anxiety about work or private life, can even get rid of stress quickly. Crocheting, in fact, forces you to concentrate and, almost involuntarily, you end up leaving out any worries. In short, one almost enters a meditative state. Even those who would like to be on a diet but just can't resist the lure of snacks can benefit. It's not that difficult to fight nervous hunger when you have your hands full.

Crocheting helps manage pain, both physical and mental. Following specific studies and tests, it was found that patients with persistent pain, eating disorders and chronic depression reported significant improvements by immersing themselves in this task. The same goes for those who suffer from high blood pressure: relaxing lowers the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Furthermore, an excess of the latter can cause numerous other and serious health problems. So it's not just about feeling good, but also about being healthier.

Not good at math? Start making some crochet, and you will improve: science says it. 

This task requires getting used to counting, measuring, multiplying and following a pattern. In a short time, this will become automatic even during classwork. Finally, it is an infallible method to train your memory, as you must always remember what you are doing in order to continue. If you are looking for a relaxing and anti-stress hobby, fun and healthy at the same time, knitting is the ideal solution.


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