Crochet Amigurumi Master Shares Her Top 5 secrets: How to make your Amigurumi Stand Out

"I love to crochet but also, I’m passionate about all yarn techniques. I travel often and take inspiration from the textures and the essence of the places I visit. I prefer natural materials and strive to have ecological business practices. In my shop, you will discover lots of unique baby gifts as well as encouragement to follow your dreams creatively. Find me as crochet_jazmina on Instagram"
My shop on Etsy is Stitch kids boutique you can also find me under this name on Facebook and Pinterest."
INSTAGRAM: @crochet_jazmina

Tip 1. 

When making amigurumis always crochet in the round, do not join rounds. I like to mark the first stitch of the round with a stitch marker or a little piece of yarn in a contrasting color. This is also super handy to count the rounds.

Tip 2. 

I recommend going 1-1.5 size down on the hook, so the stuffing doesn’t show between the stitches. This will give your dolls a more professional look.  

Tip 3. 

Choosing the right yarn is so important, after many mistakes this is what I have learned. A tubular cotton splits less than one with many visible strands. Avoid stiff ones as you will end up doing lots of force during your tight stitches resulting in shoulder, elbow and wrist pain. Mercerized or special Amigurumi cotton are the best. 

Tip 4. 

Learn how to do invisible decreases. 

Tip 5. 

Use pins to see how your body parts look before sewing them together. Once you are set on the location and pins are placed, do 4 stitches securing all 4 sides (bottom, top, left and right) at this point you can remove the pins and go all around stitch by stitch making sure the head is properly secured. Stuff the head and neck very firmly, doing this will help it stay prop up. 

Bonus tip! 

When I’m feeling demotivated with a project it helps me think about the person I’m making it for. I can immediately feel the excitement of imaging a happy face receiving a unique gift. Sometimes we have to trick the mind!


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